*NEW* Click Here to Renew your tags online! *NEW*
” Customers need to renew in their county of residence”, (as statute requires T.C.A. 55-4-105e)
New Vehicle:
Purchaser needs to have in their possession (MSO) Manufacturer Statement Origin, completed by dealer and purchaser. Also, need bill of sale stating tax collected and lien holder (if any). If vehicle is purchased out of state and sales tax is lower than TN, then the difference will be collected at time of registration. The (MSO) will also need the mileage on it or odometer statement.
Used Vehicle:
Purchaser should have title in their possession with the buyer and seller’s signature. Odometer is required for vehicles ten years or newer. Tax will be collected at time of registration unless dealer collected tax. Selling price of vehicle has to be 75% of book value. Low selling price will delay process of issuing title. Form SF1301201 can be used for low selling price or gift. (Click here to Obtain Form SF1301201) Do not purchase vehicle if seller’s signature does not match the name on the front of the title. If lien appears on front of title, make sure it has been released before purchase. If lien needs to be noted on either new or used, make sure full name and address is properly noted.
Moving to Tennessee:
Owner needs title from previous state, or if still paying on vehicle, we need current registration and full name and address of lien holder. Cost of transferring out of state title and to obtain plate and registration is $46.00. You will need to provide two current proofs or residence (Click Here to Obtain Acceptable Proofs of Residency) plus you will need your I.D.
Replacement of Lost Tennessee Title:
Tennessee title is the only title that may be replaced. No out of state titles. To obtain a replacement title, owner must provide vehicle information (year, make, and VIN number) and provide Driver’s License or State Issued photo ID. If owner chooses, he/she can complete Form SF0968 (Click Here to Obtain SF0968), which enables someone other than registered owner to obtain replacement title. Cost of replacement title: $17.00. If you choose to fill out From SF0968 to let someone else to obtain a duplicate title in your place, they will need to bring in a copy of your Driver’s License.
Noting of Lien:
Must be Tennessee title. In order to note lien, form SF0943 (Click Here to Obtain Noting of Lien Form) has to be completed and signed by registered owner. Must have TN title and a security agreement between the lender and borrower. Noting of lien: $28.00.
Multiple Owners:
When registering a vehicle for the first time, ALL signatures are required whether names are connected by “AND” or “OR”. If names are connected by “AND”, all parties involved need to be present to register a vehicle. If names are connected by “OR”, only one person needs to be present to register the vehicle. You will also be required to have a notarized Power of Attorney if signing title or signing title application for another person.
Name changes due to marriage or divorce:
Bring in title, drivers license, marriage certificate, divorce decree or court order showing name change. If vehicle is titled in multiple names, all owners will need to appear.
Selling of Vehicle:
Registered owner of vehicle signs his/her name as signature of seller. Individual obtaining ownership of vehicle signs their name as buyer with complete address. Seller should never sign off of title without completing buyer portion; this is known as an open title. This could result in penalties to seller.
In the event of a death, if no one has to qualify as administrator or executor, we will need the death certificate and an affidavit of inheritance (Click Here to Obtain Affidavit of Inheritance) along with the title. If the will is probated, we need the letter of testamentary or letter of administration, and the person who qualifies as executor will need to sign the title over to the seller (Ex: John Doe, EXC.).
Replacement Tag or Decal:
Lost or stolen tags need to be reported to a local law enforcement agency before coming in to be replaced. You will need to bring a physical copy of the report to our office in order to replace the tag. It is not necessary to report lost or stolen decals to a local law enforcement agency. Whoever’s name appears on the title and registration of the vehicle will need to be the one to come in and replace the lost tag or decal. Costs for lost tag is $12.50 and $3.00 for lost decal.
Disabled individual must have form SF0953 completed by physician to obtain license plates or placard. (Click Here to Obtain Application for Disabled Person License Plate, Placard and/or Decal) If purchasing disabled plate, the disabled individual has to be a registered owner of vehicle. Cost for disabled license plates are $29.00. If individual is permanently confined to wheel chair, license plate is free. If disabled individual obtains license plates, or has a vehicle registered in their name, the placard is free. If the disabled individual does not obtain license plates, or does not have a vehicle registered in their name , the cost of, placard is $26.50, renewable every two years for $3.00. The cost of a temporary placard is $10.00 and good for 6 months. The cost of a replacement placard cost is $2.00. Important information: Permanent indicates the nature of the disability, not the plate or placard. Temporary indicates the nature of the disability.
The cost for standard plates is $29.00/year. The cost for standard personalized or cultural plates is $65.00/year. The price for personalized cultural or specialty plates is $99.00/year.
Click Here to Renew your tags online!
Click Here for specialty plate information
…or other specialty tags (ordered and approval by the state) are then kept at the main office in Blountville. If you prefer to pick up your personalized ro specialty plate at the Kingsport or Bristol branches, please make your request one day in advance at (423) 323-6430. We are happy to transfer personalized and specialty plates and do so daily.

No out-of-state checks please.
No generic counter or second party checks.
Visa, MasterCard and Discover are accepted but a processing fee is charged. *Note: Name on credit card must be present w/ ID
I.D. required on all checks.