*NEW* Click here to apply for a Marriage online! *NEW*
*NEW* Click here to search Marriage Records online! *NEW*
Requirements for Marriage in the State of Tennessee are as follows:
- The licenses are good for 30 days anywhere in the state.
- There are no blood tests and no waiting period.
- A valid driver license, State issued picture ID, U.S. certified birth certificate, valid VISA, or valid passport is needed.
- Both parties have to be present, unless one is incarcerated or disabled.
- Social Security number must be given if applicant has one (T.C.A. 36-3-104)
- The price is $38.00 with premarital counseling. (Click here to obtain Premarital Counseling Form)
- The price is $98.00 without premarital counseling.
- Applicants must be 18 years or older.
- No license can be issued if under the age of 17.
- Marriage requirements for juveniles 17 years of age:
Both parents must sign at time of application. Even if they are divorced and only one has custody.
The natural parents must present a picture ID. A Marriage License Affidavit for Applicant Parent, Guardian, or Next of Kin must be filled out. (Click here to obtain A Marriage License Affidavit for Applicant Parent, Guardian, or Next of Kin) - Copies of Marriage Certificates may be obtained at the County Clerk’s office for $5.00 or by mail for $7.00 each. The mailing address is:
3258 Highway 126, Suite 101
Blountville, TN 37617
Phone: (423) 323-6428
Click Here to Map to this location
- If an applicant is incarcerated or disabled a Marriage License Affidavit for Application Incarcerated form needs to be filled out. (Click here to obtain Affidavit for Applicants with Disability) (Click here to obtain Affidavit for Applicant Incarcerated)
- Civil ceremonies are not performed in this office. For questions regarding internet ordination please click here.
- Pubic Ch.1049 prohibits anyone under the age of 17 from marrying in Tennessee and anyone under 18 years if age cannot marry someone who is 4 or more years older. (Click here Public Chapter 1049)