In Sullivan County, most businesses must obtain a business license and report their gross receipts either to the County Clerk’s office or to the Tennessee Department of Revenue on a yearly basis.
In Sullivan County, anyone conducting business (with gross sales of $3000.00 – $100,000) is required to purchase a business license and each year is required to renew it by filing a business tax return with the Sullivan County Clerks Office. Gross sales over $100,000 must be filed with Tennessee Department of Revenue. The initial cost of the business license and annual renewal is $15.00.
An application must be completed (Click Here to obtain Business Application) or you may also obtain one in our office. Applicant can also apply online at www.tncountyclerk.com (Choose Sullivan County, then click on New Business Application)
You will also be required to complete the zoning form (click here to obtain Zoning Form)
If you will be purchasing an existing business, please complete the New owner agreement (click here to obtain the New owner form).
Exempt Businesses
Businesses that are exempt from business tax are: manufacturers, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, attorneys, accountants. schools, religious organizations. insurance agents, public utilities,
engineers, land surveyors, etc.
Transient Vendors
A transient vendor is a business whose main location is out-of-state and will only be selling merchandise or offering a service on a temporary basis. A transient vendor is required to obtain a 14-day permit from this office in order to conduct business in Sullivan County. The cost of a transient vendor permit is $50.00 for each 14-day period the business is located in the county.
Pawnbroker License
Requirements are as follows:
Complete a Title Pledge application
Financial statement from CPA with capital of$75,000
Affidavit signed and notarized from each individual listed on item D of form, stating that they have not been convicted of a felony within the past 10 years.
One time fee of $50.00 for Title Pledge
And purchase a Business License.
For more information call our office at 423-323-6436 or email us at
kim.boyer@sullivancountytn.gov. All mail can be sent to:
Teresa Jacobs
Sullivan County Clerk
3258 Highway 126, Suite IOI
Blountville, TN 3 7617
Fax #423-279-2725
Sales Tax or Tax exempt numbers are acquired at the Tennessee Department of Revenue 800-342-1003 or visit their website at http://www.tn.gov/revenue
You must notify this office and file a final business tax return in order to close your business!